Pre-Emergent:  this application helps prevent weed for germinating in flowerbeds and under trees and shrubs. Good to spray in high sensitive areas

  1. Flower beds
  2. Landscape areas
  3. Driveways
  4. Parking areas
  5. walkways.

Prevent Crabgrass in the Spring!

Crabgrass can be prevented in the spring so they don’t become a problem in the summer. Applying a pre-emergent  to the lawn around March/ April Crabgrass, sometimes confused with Quack grass is an undesirable ID grass due to the weakness of the plant’s structure, its coarse texture and unsightly color.

These characteristics do not blend well into a fine-textured, dark green. Idaho Spray Service  Control measures for annual and perennial weed grasses differ, Idaho Spray Service professional will be glad to discuss these methods with you.

Crabgrass can be reduced over a few seasons of special care  resulting in a thick, dark green, crabgrass-free lawn that is well worth the patience and special care.

Pre-emergents: During this time, we fertilize  your lawn and start our pre-emergent service controls the spread of wild grasses including tall fescue and crabgrass. If you currently have a wild grass infestation, gaining control over them could take time.

March/April : prevents germination of  new  crabgrass,foxtail,spurge and other annual weeds