6 Reasons why you should fertilize your lawn

1. Lawn Fertilizer Works With Important Nutrients in Soil

In order to have a healthy lawn  (or any healthy plant life, for that matter) you’ll need high soil quality. Using a fertilizer for your lawn is the best way to do so. Over time, your soil will naturally lose many of the important nutrients it needs to survive. If you really want that lush, green lawn, you’re going to need to replace them. Fertilizer replaces and replenishes the essentials your lawn needs for a great look.

2. Your Lawn Needs Fertilizer as Much as Sunshine and Water

Grass needs the correct amount of water  and sunshine to be healthy and green, but don’t forget to feed it, too! Your lawn needs nutrients to thrive and survive.  For soil to be as rich as possible, it needs 3 key elements:

  • Phosphorous
  • Nitrate
  • Potassium

Think of this as the trinity for your lawn. If you don’t have even one of these, your lawn will look shriveled and brown. You feed your body, but your lawn needs food as well.

3. It’s a Green Solution

Pardon the pun, but lawn fertilizer is a fantastic solution when used right. Since it uses natural chemicals and vitamins, it’s a lawn care solution you can feel good about using. Not only are you taking care of your lawn by using fertilizer, you’re taking care of the environment. No need to worry about excess waste since fertilizer just dissipates into the soil.

4. It’s Easy to Use

One of the best reasons to use fertilizer is that you don’t necessarily need a green thumb to use it. You can Let Idaho spray service do it for you.

5. Your Plants Will Grow Faster

You already know that fertilizer is an important part of your lawn’s diet. But did you know that it’ll actually help your grass grow faster? You can’t rely solely on your soil for great, healthy plant life. You’ll get better results by using fertilizer.

6. Lawn Fertilizer is Cost Effective

Like most homeowners, you’re probably worried about cost. Well, there’s a bit of good news! Using fertilizer is often quite cost effective. Following fertilization, all you have to worry about is basic maintenance.

Now offering Winterizer

A winterizer is a late fall fertilizer application designed to help lawns store more food for winter survival, and to encourage thick and rapid growth and rooting in the spring

Benefits of Late Fall Fertilizing

Your grass needs nutrients at all times of the year, even Winter. Giving your lawn the nutrients it needs to thrive at the right times is the key to success, and ensuring your grass has the adequate resources it needs to get through Winter is the primary goal of winterizer fertilizers.

The benefits of applying a winterizer in late Fall include;

  • Minimizes disease susceptibility
  • Reduces the risk of winter kill
  • Promotes deep rooting in late Fall and early Spring
  • Prolongs dark green turf colour into early Winter
  • Ensures good Winter survival
  • Enhances the storage of carbohydrates
  • Increases shoot density
  • Provides early Spring green up

Please Let us know if you would like to sign up for this highly recommended application.

If you’re interested in maintaining a beautiful, Barefoot Ready Lawn  get in touch!

Your soil supplies some of the nutrients that turfgrass needs but most soils are not able to provide all of the nutrients during the entire growing season. A healthy and actively growing lawn uses a great deal of energy. Fertilizer helps your lawn stay healthy by:

  • Promoting new leaf and root growth
  • Aiding in recovery from foot traffic and pest damage
  • Reducing and controlling weeds
  • Replacing nutrients lost to leaching, volatilization and grass clipping removal


Nutri-Rich is a 100% certified organic all-purpose fertilizer. The majority of organic fertilizers are unbalanced and very high in nitrogen. Our formula is 4-3-3. This balanced nutrient rich blend provides long-lasting natural plant food; it also contains 7% calcium. This is vital in alkaline soils and is perfect in garden applications. Tomatoes draw tremendous amounts of calcium from the soil and with this fertilizer, it will greatly recuse the possibility of blossom end rot.


You get both soluble nitrogen and water insoluble nitrogen to deliver a balance of rapid and long-term feeding.


Apply Nutri-Rich at the rate of 8 to 12 pounds per 100 sq. feet and blend it into the top three inches of soil. For established plants apply ½ lb. for every foot of plant height at the plants drip line. Apply twice during the growing season. Feel free to use this around every plant in your yard. The micronutrients provided by a natural product will add flavor to vegetables and brighter color in flowers. we stand behind it with a 100% satisfaction guarantee

Nutri rich is one of a series of our all natural fertilizer products when used in combination generates a balanced environment for plants to thrive in.

call today 208-734-0815